Thursday, December 19, 2013

Raspberry Pi Home Control System

I have started working on a new project using my new Raspberry Pi.  When I bought the Pi I didn't have any idea what I was going to do with it, I just knew that for only $35 I was going to buy one just to have.  Well now I have had it for a while and have come up with an idea for how I want to use it.  I am going to create a little home automation system, complete with security and simple tasks such as weather advisement and personal alarms along with full control of lights and any other items I can think of.

I am only building this as a prototype for one bedroom within an apartment so I will not be implementing controls of the thermostat which would be a nice addition for version two if I am living in my own apartment or house without a roommate.  I plan to use reed switches on my bedroom door and two windows for part of the security system.  I would also like to include a camera pointed at the door that will capture a snapshot whenever the door is open.  I have also set up a private Twitter account for this project so that I can control my apartment using Twitter and also receive house updates via Twitter.  I will most likely be doing the whole project using Python and hopefully I will get some time to work on it while I am on my winter break.

Look back for updates soon to come!


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